法鲨那句"I can't feel my legs"不禁让人感叹善恶终有报天道好轮回把爆米花大片拍成了《杨受成容祖儿》仿佛见证了中世纪的消亡语境高节奏慢自由意志胜利、暴力反抗压迫的主题不太和谐外卖员闯灯924次没有身份的男主和黑人男配亚裔女配的组合政治正确但不引人反感法鲨的胸肌、马良的明眸、铁叔完全禁欲范儿
From the start, you feel this bj is absurd and then you find that every episode is absurd and exaggerating, but damn true. it's amazing how each line makes sense and reflects everyone. Meant to watch this right before I moved to Toronto. It's been 3.5 years and I kept asking myself... how are things? Have you made today greater than yesterday?